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Qurbani - or Udhiya - is a sacrifice that is made in the Islamic month Dhul Hijjah during the celebrations of Eid al Adha.

The sacrifice made is typically a goat, sheep, cow or camel and is reflective of the personal sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim (S.A.) was prepared to make for the love of Allah (SWT).

The significance of this sacrifice for qurbani in the UK and around the world is that it symbolises all that Prophet Ibrahim (S.A.) was ready to give up - his precious son, and it allows Muslims today to be humbled by this gesture towards God at his will.

‘Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.’ - Qu’ran 6:162

The Spiritual Meaning of Qurbani

The word Qurbani means “a way or means of approaching someone” or “nearness”. It is a way for individual Muslims to approach the level of submission to God shown by the Prophet Ibrahim (S.A) at the moment atop Mount Arafat when he was readying to sacrifice his beloved son.

The Prophet Ibrahim (S.A) was willing to give up that which was precious to him beyond measure, that which could not be replaced, that which had come into his life despite so much in the world around him telling him it would never happen.

The act of Qurbani today is at the heart of Eid al Adha and is a deeply meaningful and important event. Those who give Qurbani are demonstrating their submission to Allah’s (SWT) will, just as Prophet Ibrahim (S.A.) did before them.

‘And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead, We called to him, “O Ibrahim, you have fulfilled the vision”. Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good. Indeed, this was the clear trial and We ransomed him with a great sacrifice’.
- Qur’an 37:103-107


Qurbani is the sacrifice of an animal, held at the end of Eid Al Adha. The sacrificed animal can either be:

When is Qurbani?

Eid al Adha 2023 falls between 28th - 29th June and Qurbani is performed at the end of the festivities.

You can help those less fortunate than yourself by donating your Qurbani with the Al Mustafa Canada this year.

Who Should Make Qurbani Offerings?

Qurbani is an obligation for all Muslims who meet the following requirements.

  • They are of sound mind
  • They are past the age of puberty
  • They have disposable income above and beyond their essential needs

Qurbani prices relate to the amount of money that a Muslim needs to donate so that Qurbani donations can be distributed amongst those in need around the world. The exact Qurbani price varies depending upon where your donation will be going as the cost of the animals to be sacrificed differs from country to country.


Eid al Adha is the celebration of the submission to Allah’s (SWT) will that was expressed by the Prophet Ibrahim (S.A).

Against both his own wishes and the temptations of the Devil Shaitan, the Prophet Ibrahim (S.A) took his only son Hazrat Ishmael (A.S) to the top of Mount Arafat to sacrifice him to Allah (SWT). At the last moment, Allah (SWT) performed a miracle, miraculously switching the boy with a beast. Hazrat Ishmael (A.S) was stood beside his father, completely unharmed.

Qurbani Eid is a celebration where Muslims look to refocus their own lives, seeking out Allah’s (SWT) will so that they may submit themselves to it more perfectly. This important occasion goes by many names in other parts of the world. The Festival of the Lamb, the Feast of Sacrifice, the Great Day, the Pilgrimage Feast, the Celebration of Livestock. These terms all contain small fragments of the meaning of what must happen at the end of this celebration: Qurbani.

Donate to Al Mustafa Canada today to ensure that your Qurbani donations are distributed where they are needed the most.
To find out more about Qurbani, please visit our FAQ page

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